Corporate Governance

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The highest decision-making power at Talenom is exercised by the company’s shareholders at General Meetings, in which the shareholders may exercise their right to speak, ask questions and vote.

The Annual General Meeting is held each year on the date set by the Board of Directors within six months of the end of the financial year. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting takes decisions on adopting the financial statements, the use of the profit shown in the balance sheet, releasing the members of the Board of Directors and CEO from liability, the number of members of the Board, and the remuneration of the members of the Board and the auditors. The Annual General Meeting also elects the members of the Board of Directors and auditors and handles any other matters included in the notice of meeting.

In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code, the meetings shall be attended by the Chairman of the Board, the members of the Board and the CEO. In addition, the auditor shall attend the Annual General Meeting. At meetings where new Board members are elected, the candidates must be present.

An Extraordinary General Meeting must be arranged if the Board of Directors deems it necessary or if the auditor or shareholders that own at least one-tenth (1/10) of all outstanding shares request this in writing to discuss an issue.

In accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act shareholders can also ask Talenom’s Board of Directors to add issues to the agenda of the next Annual General Meeting. Talenom publishes the date by which shareholders shall notify of their request to discuss issues in the Annual General Meeting on its website well in advance. Such a request is always considered to have arrived in time if the Board of Directors has been notified of it at least four (4) weeks before the invitation to the Annual General Meeting is sent out.

The Board of Directors decides on the convening of the Annual General Meeting. The notice of meeting is published on the company’s Internet site earliest two (2) months and at the latest 21 days before the meeting, however, always at least nine (9) days before the matching date of the Annual General Meeting defined in the Limited Liability Companies Act. If a shareholder wishes to participate in the Annual General Meeting, they must register in advance in the manner mentioned in the invitation to the meeting and by the date mentioned in the invitation that can at the earliest be ten (10) days before the day of the meeting.

Registering for the meeting takes place via the company’s investors page while the registration is open.

Talenom Annual General Meeting 2024

Talenom Plc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is planned to be held on Thursday, 14 March 2024. The Board of Directors will summon the AGM on a later date.

Any request by a shareholder addressed to the Board of Directors to have an issue raised at the Annual General Meeting 2024 must be submitted by Tuesday 30 January 2024 at the latest in writing to Talenom Plc, Annual General Meeting, Yrttipellontie 2, FI-90230 Oulu or by e-mail to

Talenom Annual General Meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting of Talenom was held on 15 March 2023.

Read more here

Document archive: Annual General Meetings

EGM 2022 add

AGM 2022 add

AGM 2021 add

AGM 2020 add