Corporate Governance



According to the Articles of Association, the General Meeting shall elect one regular auditor, which shall be an auditing firm approved by the Central Chamber of Commerce. The auditor’s term of office ends at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting following the election.

The purpose of the audit is to verify that the financial statements provide a true and fair view of the company’s performance and financial position in the financial period. The company’s auditor provides the shareholders of the company with an auditor’s report in connection with the company’s annual financial statements, as required by law. A report on the audit of the financial year is submitted to the Board of Directors. The auditor and the Board meet at least once a year.

The 2023 AGM re-elected KPMG Oy Ab, authorised public accountant organisation, as the auditor of the company. Juho Rautio, authorised public accountant, will continue as the principal auditor. The term of the auditor will run until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The auditor will be remunerated according to the reasonable invoice approved by the company.