Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Talenom Plc complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 issued by the Securities Market Association. The Corporate Governance Code is available on the site of the Securities Market Association at

In addition to the Corporate Governance Code, Talenom Plc complies in its decision-making and corporate governance with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, securities market legislation, other legal provisions concerning listed companies, Talenom Plc’s Articles of Association, and the rules and guidelines issued by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

To arrange corporate governance Talenom’s Board of Directors has defined the governance, governing principles, operating model, roles, responsibilities, and authorisations that Talenom applies in the way described below.

Talenom applies the International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS when compiling business reviews, financial statements and half-year reports.

In accordance with the Companies Act and the Articles of Association, the highest responsibility for the governance and operations of Talenom is held by its governing bodies, which are the General Meeting, Board of Directors and CEO. The highest decision-making power is exercised by shareholders at General Meetings of Shareholders. The Executive Board assists the CEO in the management of operations.

Corporate Governance statement 2022

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